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Chairman's Message 209

A Little Goes a Long Way

As I write, immediately before the start of the Shavuot holiday, Israel is once again under threat. Just when we were enjoying a renewed sense of liberty after a year of restrictions due to COVID, we find ourselves under a terrifying hail of rocket fire.

It is not my intention to make a political statement nor relate to details of our disturbing current events. However, I cannot help but acknowledge and reflect on the mood of the country and the feelings of uncertainty that once again engulf us all. I would like to convey to all the readers of ESRA Magazine my hope that you are safe and that by the time you read this, internal strife has been resolved and external attacks have ceased.

In these difficult times many ESRA Magazine readers have asked how they can help, how they can contribute to the country, and be an active participant in ESRA's work. We have over 350 people already volunteering through ESRA's rapidly expanding English Tutoring Program (ETP), as well as volunteers in a variety of other activities. If you are looking for a volunteering activity, there's always something to do since the entire ESRA organization is run and maintained by volunteers, backed by a small and amazingly dedicated professional staff.

But volunteering is not the only way to help. Fundraising is always an important factor, and never more so than this past year. It is another way that everyone can contribute and make a difference. With this edition of ESRA Magazine we launch our Give an Israeli Child a Future campaign for 2021. Inserted in the magazine you will find an envelope containing an explanation of the campaign aims and how you can participate. This year's campaign is in support of ESRA's unique Students Build a Community projects, soon to be extended to additional distressed areas of the country.

In addition, a very simple way for every one of us to help ESRA and its good works, is through the new Igul L'tova plan, or Round up for ESRA . With this plan, you can donate small change to ESRA through your credit card – tiny sums at a time that you will hardly even notice.

Here's how it works. Every time you pay for something with your credit card, and it isn't an exact amount in Shekels, the sum gets rounded up to the nearest Shekel. The few agorot difference, the small change, is automatically donated to ESRA each month through our new cooperation with Igul L'tova.

Granted, a few agorot is not very much, but when many of us do it, on credit card transactions, it adds up to children at risk having a chance for a better future! Your minimal and painless contribution is estimated to come to about 4 Shekels per month. Multiplied by the many thousands of ESRA Magazine readers' credit cards, these regular monthly contributions can make a big difference.

To sign up for Round Up for ESRA, all you need to do is click on the link in our Weekly Newsletter email, or do it through the ESRA website. Registration is all in English, full explanations provided, and all entered details are strictly confidential.

By supporting Give an Israeli Child a Future and Round Up for ESRA you are making a difference and helping to achieve a better Israel. Please act right away before it slips your mind.

We shall soon be winding up another year with the ESRA 42nd Annual General Meeting to be held by Zoom on 15th June which all ESRA members are invited to join. It was decided to continue the Zoom format to make it easier and more convenient for members from all over the country to attend. Notices have been sent out by email and also appear in our Weekly Newsletter. It is not too late, you can still join in, add your voice, and be updated with all that is happening in your ESRA. We invite you and encourage you - why not be involved? Simply register and the Zoom link will be forwarded to you.

Wishing everyone days of health and peace. Stay safe!



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