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Camera Club Focuses on Future

camera In the frame ... members of the ESRA Camera Club at a shoot

 The ESRA Camera Club (ECC) celebrated the end of its first year with a brunch party and exhibition in Raanana.

The Club was established by Professor Gerry Fraser, a gastroenterologist and former Deputy Head of the Gastroenterology Department at Rabin Medical Center, and Professor Hylton Bark, former Director of the Hebrew University Veterinary Hospital.

A steering committee of experienced photographers was formed to organize and lead the ECC. The concept was to create a forum for English speakers to jointly develop their photography skills as well as to interact socially.

The Club went on a number of successful photo-shoots including Ein Vered and Ilanot Forest to photograph irises and wild flowers, Jaffa and Shuk HaCarmel / Nahalat Binyamin for street photography, Apollonia and Caesarea for seascapes and antiquities and a special photo-shoot of the Old City in Jerusalem.

Each shoot was followed by an indoor session to critically review members' photographs. On the walls were photos from outings.

At the gourmet brunch party which was enjoyed by everyone, ESRA Chairman Terry Morris expressed his personal support and that of ESRA for the Club. This was followed by a summary and vision for the future from Gerry Fraser. We hope to develop the ECC and broaden our activities.

Food was organized by Susan Meyers and brought by the members.

Anyone interested in joining the ESRA Camera Club should please contact Gerry Fraser at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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