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“Camelot” to be staged by LOGON

Lancelot, King Arthur and Guenevere in LOGON's Camelot which tours in March

Don't let it be forgot

That once there was a spot,

For one brief, shining moment

That was known as Camelot

The magic of the Arthurian legend (as reimagined in the 20th century) is the inspiration for the popular Broadway musical, Camelot, this season's production by LOGON (the Light Opera Group of the Negev) - the Beersheba-based performing arts troupe.

The award-winning musical drama by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe tells the story of the marriage of England's King Arthur to the lovely Guinevere, who encourages him to establish the Knights of the Round Table to exemplify his peace-loving philosophy. But Arthur's illegitimate son Modred's plot to gain the throne, and Guinevere's growing attachment to Sir Lancelot threaten to topple Arthur and destroy his round table. Can Camelot remain the idealistic place of Arthur's dreams?

Among the famous numbers in the show are "The Lusty Month of May", "How to Handle a Woman", "If Ever I Would Leave You" and "What Do the Simple Folk Do?".

Camelot is often associated with the Kennedy presidency. In an interview after JFK's assassination, his wife, Jackie, told Life Magazine that he was especially fond of the music from the musical.

Yaacov Amsellem, directing LOGON again for the 9th year, calls Arthur "a kind of pacifist anti-hero. He's the enlightened leader who thinks he can achieve peace without bloodshed, but his wife betrays him and violence triumphs. Despite Arthur's personal tragedy, the show ends on an optimistic note for the future," Amsellem adds.

This year LOGON is celebrating its 35th anniversary, making it the oldest existing English language theater group in Israel. Founded in 1981 in Omer near Beersheba, the group, which draws participants from the south of the country, performed only Gilbert & Sullivan operettas for its first 14 years. Deciding it had exhausted the G&S repertoire (and perhaps its audience), LOGON began staging Broadway musicals which the company now stages every year in performances throughout the country. It is the only English language theater group performing throughout the country and whose ticket sales support local charitable organizations like ESRA.

LOGON will be staging its innovative production of the musical in March throughout the country, including Kfar Saba, Netanya, Modiin, Rehovot and Haifa.

Information about performances and dates see the advert on page ….. and/or

To contact LOGON
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 972-(0)8-641-4081




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