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Broadway Hits in Modiin

What a performance! Singers C B Davies, Dena Buchman Davies, Shimi Herman and Shlomit Leah Kovsalski

ESRA Modiin was recently treated to a wonderful evening of Broadway songs sung by four singers, C B Davies, his wife Dena Buchman Davies, Shimi Herman and Shlomit Leah Kovsalski. They sang both individually and together various songs from both well-known and not as well-known Broadway musicals. A pin could be heard during each rendition as the spellbound audience focused on only the singers.

The appreciation by the audience was evident by the long and strong clapping at the end of each song.

Held in a private home, the audience of 30 people spoke enthusiastically about their enjoyment from the performance.

Each of the singers also act in amateur theater. Several nights later I watched three of the singers perform on stage in the musical In the Heights in Jerusalem. A terrific production full of lots of enthusiastic and fast dancing and singing. They were equally as good as any professional. 



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