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At last: Zviya’s dream center has come true

Time to learn ... ESRA volunteeers Linda Kaye and Linda Halpern teaching the youngsters

Who would have believed that we are now into the second year of volunteering ESRA support at this exceptional project in Netanya.

The late Mrs. Zviya Cohen had a dream. The dream was an English Center which would provide out-of-school English enrichment to Netanya school children. Unfortunately, she passed away just as her dream was achieved but she is succeeded by her daughter, Inbal, who has now taken on the responsibility of making sure that her precious Mum's ambition thrives. 

Inbal Cohen

At this moment we are running two after-school sessions a week -on Mondays and Wednesdays, for which we welcome ESRA volunteers. On Monday evenings we have a group of amazing students aged 12+ who are producing the second edition of "Like Netanya" Magazine. This brilliant and enthusiastic group is writing about topics which are targeted at the school children of Netanya. They have varied interests and surprise us with their maturity in the composition of their articles. This program is directed by Elaine Jacobs from Poleg who is organizing and running the project. Last year the Center produced and printed 20,000 copies of the magazine which is now being distributed to all the Netanya schools.

On Wednesday after school we attract children of 8-years plus from local schools who, through playing games and speaking English, are improving their English ability. They sit in small groups with a volunteer and have fun through play.

A few weeks ago we held a pilot scheme where Gail Amar, together with the professionalism of Elaine Jacobs, set up a morning session with children from the Alumot School. They have taken on the responsibility for liaising with the schools to ensure we create a partnership that will succeed. This program was very successful and provided three separate activities. The students experienced three separate sessions and were very quick to inform us what a great morning they had. We are hoping to run this program one morning a week and once the session is confirmed I will be seeking extra volunteers.

To walk into the Center is enlightening. The two rooms filled with state of the art computers, the library and the bright and cheerful decorations create a stimulating environment. We are always looking for volunteers and what we can promise is that you will be overwhelmed with the opportunities that we are able to offer the children of Netanya, who show their appreciation in a warm and friendly way

I would just like to express a personal thank you to all those volunteers who have helped this program succeed. Also thanks go to Inbal, Shahar and Miri for their great support on behalf of the Center.

If you are interested in volunteering please either write to me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone me on 054 726 5970. Travel partners and substitutes when you are unable to participate will be provided. COME AND ENJOY! 



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