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An uplifting celebration

Photos: Avi Tshuma

On Tu B'shvat seven committee members of ESRA Netanya and very special guests joined the boys and girls of the Students Build a Neighborhood in Hefzibah for a great evening.

Amos Tchaicovsky, the new project coordinator, introduced the guests to the children and then gave a lovely presentation in Hebrew and English about the significance of Tu B'shvat.

Three tables were set up for craft projects for the children's participation. At one table there were beautiful fresh grapefruits, along with colorful candies, dried fruit and toothpicks from which the children could build "bouquets". Many of the candies seemed to make it into the mouths of the joy-filled young sculptors before they made it on to their creations, but eventually, when tummies were full, the sculptures were completed.

At the next table there was painting and decorating of wonderful pine cones. And at the third table the children were making mobiles and wall hangings with decorated pine cones suspended from tree branches with colorful yarn. The students did a sterling job handling 48 excited children running from one table to the next. 

The participation of our special guests, Jeremy Dunkel (Executive Director of Orion Foundation), his wife, three daughters and his son, Richard Stein (Chair of ESRA's fundraising committee) and his grandson, made the evening even more fun with all their children joining in and being welcomed by the Hefzibah children. Terry Morris, Aaron Hoffman, Yonit Gurfinkel (ESRA Director) and ESRA Netanya committee members Nina Zuck, Cynthia Yaakovi, Aliza Marks, Ros and Henry Ben Ezra, Jacqui Waterman and Nancy Kramer were also there to imbibe the lovely atmosphere and join in the party.

At a get-together in one of the students' apartments after the party, the guests were given a more in-depth insight into the work of the students, and how they felt about being part of this wonderful project.

The evening ended on a high note with the youngest of the guests (aged 5) asking if he could donate his toys to the children of the project!

It was with great satisfaction that we all witnessed the successful results of ESRA's sponsorship of this project. To see the college students working with and guiding the children through the events of the evening and to see the enthusiasm and comfort with which Amos (only ten days into his new position) conducted himself, filled us all with joy and hope for many future successes. 



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