ESRA Magazine
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Chairman's Message 199


Achieving satisfaction with ESRA

40 years ago, Merle Guttmann, ESRA's Life President, founded ESRA with a few friends and ably supported by her late husband, Gert. What satisfaction Merle must have to see her baby still thriving four decades on and doing so much good for so many people. I certainly have gained a great deal of satisfaction from my decade of volunteering with ESRA, and I am a mere beginner compared to many of our volunteers.

On concluding 4 years as Chairman: Farewell but not Goodbye!

"Success is finding satisfaction in giving a little more than you take". Christopher Reeve

And that is what it is all about; volunteering and satisfaction, and both lead to healthier and happier lives. What can be better than working with and getting to know your fellow volunteers while knowing that your activity is helping others improve their lives. There is no better example than ESRA's English Tutoring Program (ETP) where our 350 volunteers delight in their interaction with schoolchildren and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing they have helped them succeed in school and in life by improving their English. ETP has been developing and steadily growing under the guidance of National Coordinator Bernice Meyers, Professional Consultant Lola Katz, and ESRA CEO Sunny Marshansky, and is today ESRA's largest volunteering project.

Whether your volunteer activities with ESRA are in an education or a welfare project, in one of our shops, in the office, or on one of our committees, distributing magazines, as a counselor, a befriender, or a speaker at events, there is much satisfaction to be gained.

Because there are so many ESRA volunteers giving of their time and doing such good work, I am always concerned, when I single out a few and mention names, that I will be leaving out others deserving of mention. So, I apologize in advance if anyone who also deserves special mention was overlooked. I would be remiss, however, if I did not mention a few of the special people with whom I have enjoyed working. Nina Zuck, of ESRA Projects fame, and Adele Hunter who runs ESRA's Welfare activities, have always been a delight to meet with, and to know with confidence that one can rely on their dedicated work. Similarly, it has been a pleasure to work with Terry Morris and Glenis Bertfield, my current co-Vice Chairs, and Roger Lavendar, Chair of Finance, who always has a perspicacious comment on most subjects.

Sunny, our CEO, has been busy propelling us into the 21st century and doing a terrific job of it; long may she do so, and long may her smile continue to match her name. Our other volunteers (over 800 of them) are far too numerous to mention, but two of our "always young" couples, who have done so much for ESRA, are close to my heart. Ed and Betty Wolfe, who have just relocated to Modiin, and Adele and Mike Rubin of Sderot; long may they continue to volunteer in good health.

Two important events will be held over the next couple of months. Please put them in your diaries and register to attend:

ESRA's 40th Anniversary event on 14th May
and our
Annual General Meeting on 18th June.

Registering and paying for most of ESRA's events may now be done online (yes, 21st century here we are!), and it is really very easy. The same goes for donating to ESRA and our projects. If anyone requires help with this, please call ESRA's office and you will be guided through the process.

Our 40th Anniversary celebration promises to be a very exciting event, informative and entertaining with renowned speakers and the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour Band. Make sure to register online as soon as the link is available, so you don't miss out. Watch your emails, our website or Facebook page for notification of when to register for this and other events. And while on the website look around at our wonderful projects, activities, and volunteering opportunities, and then give a "Like" to ESRA's Facebook page.

"Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction".
Anne Frank

This June, I will complete my four years as ESRA's Chairman and will hand over to a worthy successor, but I intend to keep getting my dose of satisfaction by volunteering with ESRA - the satisfaction of knowing that while I am enjoying what I am doing, others are benefitting, and Israel is stronger as a result.

Thank you again to all of the ESRA family, volunteers and staff, for all of your hard work and friendship.

Farewell, but not goodbye

Baruch Tanaman

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