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Abe Jaffe 1931-2015

Abe Jaffe came to Israel with a ready-made Hebrew name – Avraham Yaffe. He made aliyah in 1961 from South Africa with our two children and myself. However, he had applied to make aliyah a few years before and had a job waiting with the Shell company. Sadly his mother took ill and his plans were cancelled in order to remain in South Africa and help his sister Hoda take care of their mother.

Abe studied at the University of Cape Town and became a C.P.A. He was born in Saldanha Bay and proudly told everyone that he was the only Jewish boy born in this little fishing village.

His first job in Israel was with Kesselman and Kesselman C.P.A.'s. Then he moved to Amisragas and later to Pioneer Concrete. While there he was approached by the Israel Educational Television as he had been recommended as an actor by the late Babette Kaplan. He acted in numerous lessons and plays which can now be seen on YouTube.

His third child was born in Israel in 1966. A few years later after having his own practice and helping Ellen and Isabelle in the Bakery in Ramat Hasharon, he was approached by another concrete company that was taken over by Readymix. While there he worked in Jordan and made a lot of good friends there.

After retirement he voluntèered for ESRA and, together with the late Robert Langbart, looked after the finances as Treasurers. Abe also volunteered as a coach for the Blind Bowls association and acted as their bookkeeper.

Abe spent his last four-and-a-half years in a retirement residence. When first moving in he was a member of the drama group. Up to the end his sense of humor and his kindness were aĺways prominent. He passed away peacefully at home August 19, 2015 leaving behind his wife, wonderful children and spouses and loving grandchildren.

Isabelle Jaffe

The atmosphere in ESRA's office changed when Abe Jaffe walked in. There was a calm, relaxed tone to our meetings seasoned with a lavish amount of humor and great compassion. Abe used his humor and story-telling talents to diffuse situations and solve problems.

Rarely seen to be flustered Abe provided those who worked with him with common sense, wisdom gained from years of experience and an understanding of issues without the trappings of professional jargon.

Always a gentleman, Abe was a "people person" taking an interest and concern for the other, caring and supportive. Above all, I will remember his modesty, for as a man with many talents, interests and experiences, he always approached people with respect and humility.

Abe, it was a pleasure doing business with you and you are missed.

Liz Bennet Trakeniski 



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