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Yael Meyer, formerly from California, US, has a Juris Doctor (Wayne State University Law School, Detroit Michigan) and a BA (Kalamazoo College, Michigan). She was admitted to the Bar (Law Practice) in California, Michigan, Washington DC, and Israel, She was a civil and criminal litigation lawyer for 30 years in the US before coming to live in...

Yael Meyer, formerly from California, US, has a Juris Doctor (Wayne State University Law School, Detroit Michigan) and a BA (Kalamazoo College, Michigan). She was admitted to the Bar (Law Practice) in California, Michigan, Washington DC, and Israel, She was a civil and criminal litigation lawyer for 30 years in the US before coming to live in Israel in 1996.

After making aliyah she worked for the Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC), which is the advocacy arm of the Reform Movement in Israel. In addition to working on legal issues of religion and state in Israel, she wrote articles for the IRAC website and as a grant proposal writer for Amdocs until she retired in 2013.

Yael worked as volunteer for the Sierra Club – one of the leading environmental defense organizations in the US – for more than 25 years. She has been very active in partisan political activities first in the US and later here in Israel continuing until today. She is also very involved with the English Speakers group at Kehilat Ra"anan (the Reform synagogue in Raanana).

In addition to enjoying traveling in Israel and around the world, since retiring Yael has more time to pursue her interests in photography, birding, nature and archaeology/antiquity.



Yad Vashem:From Despair to Hope


Walking in the Valley of Ela


Debunking the Myths