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David Chester came to live in Israel in 1963, from London, England. During his long career as an engineer he was with Israel Aircraft Industries. He was partly responsible for the preliminary design of the Arava, Israel’s first indigenous aircraft, and later analyzed the structures of various aircraft and pilotless air-vehicle projects and...

David Chester came to live in Israel in 1963, from London, England. During his long career as an engineer he was with Israel Aircraft Industries. He was partly responsible for the preliminary design of the Arava, Israel’s first indigenous aircraft, and later analyzed the structures of various aircraft and pilotless air-vehicle projects and their landing-gears (in which he specialized). He wrote several technical papers which were published in Israel and abroad. His hobby is theoretical macroeconomics, which have been published in a book.

His volunteer activities started in London where he was a leader in a branch of Habonim Youth Movement. In Israel he was once chairman of a singles group in Tel Aviv of the Hitachdut Oleh Britannia. Later he volunteered at Beit Hatfutzot (the Museum of the Diaspora) and also was treasurer in the building of a new synagogue "Sharai Achdut" in Petach Tikva (where he lives). More recently he has proof-read for ESRAmag and helped with its distribution in this town.



Going Bananas


Rhyme of the Ancient Postie