ESRA Magazine
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A Tribute to Juliet Rostowsky


Dear Juliet,

I am writing to you on behalf of everyone in our Counselling Service to thank you for many years of training and supervision skills.

It is not every day that one finds someone as passionate about and as dedicated to their work as you are.

Your ability to handle problems with a positive attitude has inspired us all.

Your skills in navigating situations are awe-inspiring.

You have left a lasting impression on all of us. You were always there for us, with your amazing knowledge and patience, helping and teaching us so much.

Your supervision of our counsellors has benefited many clients over the years and you have given us more confidence to help with their problems.

You set a high standard for all of us, and we are so appreciative of the time and energy you have invested in our group.

You, Judith Ussiskin and I started the Counselling Service seventeen years ago as a bereavement group. We selected and trained sixteen people. Fourteen of those remained in the group and have helped many clients over the years.

As time went on, we expanded the Service and continued to train our counsellors in many different theories and approaches to counselling, so that they could then handle a variety of situations and problems.

We were extremely fortunate to have had Professor Claire Rabin join us some 10 years ago, when she retired as a Professor of Social Work at Tel Aviv University. Claire's exceptional talents, skills, expertise, experience, personality, dedication and drive greatly facilitated the development of the counsellors and the Service.

We now have many professionally trained counsellors, who are also involved with training. Many have clinics of their own at home, and they see our clients there.

We meet once a month, for training and case discussions. We always met clients face-to-face or on the telephone, but since the advent of Covid and the war, we use Zoom. This is very successful and we can counsel clients all over the country and even further afield.

We have expanded the service in many directions. We now have several support groups, to deal with: challenges of caregivers; loss of spouse; bereavement of all kinds; trauma and emotional effects of War.

Juliet, you invested so much time and expertise in our Counselling Service, of which we are so proud and thankful for everything you have contributed.

We have much to reflect on over the years and we have learned so much from you.Your support and guidance have been invaluable.

You will be greatly missed, and we all want to say a huge "thank you." We wish you health and happiness always.

With love from Susan Kurnedz and all the Counselling Group

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