Story and photos by A Rika Meyerowitz

Rosemarie Millner was born in Fürth, Germany in 1923. She and her husband Leo came on aliyah in 1971 from Finland. Being a trained nurse Rosemarie volunteered at the Hadassa Hospital in Tel Aviv (then at Balfour St.) and stayed on there as a volunteer for many years. 

When Leo was still alive they both delivered ESRA Magazines in Tel Aviv. Knowing that ESRA knits garments for needy children, Rosemarie started knitting. At soon 95 she is a happy-go-round, gyms three times a week, swims in between, goes to a ceramics class once a week, and knits to keep herself even busier.

She has two children, one of whom lives in Israel, the other in Finland, and three grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.