By Adv. Assaf Hasson on Saturday, 17 August 2024
Category: September 2024

Welcome Home - Making Aliyah to Israel

Considering Aliyah? Legal and Tax Insights to Support Your Journey 

UK to replace the Non-Dom Tax Regime? Rise of anti-Semitism in the US? French elections are worrying you?

In a world where political, economic, and social uncertainties are on the rise, many Jewish families are contemplating Aliyah as a pathway to stability and a deeper connection to their heritage. While this decision opens the door to new opportunities, it also involves navigating a range of legal and tax considerations that should be carefully understood before making the move.

The Legal Right to Return

Under Israel's Law of Return, Jewish families have the right to make Aliyah and obtain Israeli citizenship. While this legal right is well-established, the process can be complex, requiring careful attention to detail to ensure compliance with all legal requirements.

Key Legal and Tax Considerations

The Aliyah process involves several important steps: document preparation, legal applications, interviews, and post-arrival formalities such as acquiring health insurance, understanding tax obligations, securing housing, and more. Each of these steps must be managed carefully to avoid delays or complications.

Here are some critical aspects to consider:

New immigrants to Israel can benefit from a range of tax incentives designed to support their integration. Key benefits include:

Careful planning and a thorough understanding of these benefits can help new Olim optimize their financial situation during and after their move to Israel.

A Thoughtful Approach to Your Aliyah Journey

Each Aliyah journey is unique, and it's essential to approach it with a clear understanding of the legal and financial landscape in Israel. Whether dealing with family matters, property transactions, or business interests, ensuring that your move to Israel is both legally sound and financially strategic is crucial.


Making Aliyah is a profound decision with far-reaching implications. By carefully considering the legal and tax aspects, you can ensure that your transition is handled with the care and attention it deserves. For more information or to discuss your specific situation, please feel free to reach out.

Are you ready to embark on this life-changing journey? Welcome home!

Adv. Assaf Hasson is a Wealth Advisor, Tax and Private Client Lawyer.

He is a board member of the ESRA Executive and of the Financial Committee.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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