By Doron Cohen on Thursday, 11 July 2024
Category: September 2024

If Only The World Could See!

They call it a Zionist country, the place for Jews to be,

But Israel is so much more than that, if only the world could see

They think its just a place, over which the world is at war

But the truth is that Israel has brought them so much more

The next time that you're in your car and the directions are a daze

Let's see how far you'll get without using your Waze

Ever been to a restaurant and had caprese with cherry tomatoes?

Well, if it weren't for Israel you'd be eating it with potatoes

They call it a Zionist country, the place for Jews to be,

But Israel is so much more than that, if only the world could see

Rummikub, Mastermind and the game Guess Who

All began in Israel, invented by a Jew

Sitting down to do some work on your laptop?

Israel helped enable that, so I guess you better stop

Next time you pick up your iPhone and the dual lens camera's what you look through

You can thank Israel for that, but I guess that you never knew

They call it a Zionist country, the place for Jews to be,

But Israel is so much more than that, if only the world could see

The most hi-tech start-ups per person and only 76 years old

The USB and drip irrigation a country so very bold

There's very good reason why it's called the "Start-up Nation"

A tiny country that is responsible for innovation after innovation

So then why is it that the world is screaming "Israel shouldn't be"

When Israel's done so much good, for you and for me

They call it a Zionist country, the place for Jews to be,

But Israel is so much more than that, if only the world could see

More Nobel prizes per person than Germany, US and France

Constantly working on cancer research for global cures to advance

Israel doesn't exclude anyone from using what they provide

So why does the world always seem to choose the other side

Google, Apple and Amazon use Israel for R&D

World wake up and think about it, without Israel, where would you be?

They call it a Zionist country, the place for Jews to be,

But Israel is so much more than that, if only the world could see

It seems like it's just our destiny for Jews to have to fight

But to defend ourselves against enemies, the world doesn't feel we should have that right

All that Israel wants is peace and harmony

Why is this so difficult for the world to see?

Whether you are Christian, Muslim or Jewish, Israel can be for you and me

So please world, open your eyes and just try to see

*Editor's Note

The historical events of this past year in Israel will reverberate as part of the long and tumultuous story of our people. Its impact both around the world and on future generations of Jews is best manifest in this poem above If Only the World, written by 11-year-old Doron Cohen of Toronto, Canada. He is the nephew of Libby and Max Strous who live in Raanana. According to them, Doron is so pro-Israel. He recently collected money for a wounded soldier's rehabilitation. This isn't his first poem. 

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